Laser Pointer Concepts for The Victer in Coach Who
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Concept Ten
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The Victer after giving his son The Alchemist his old Laser pointer made a new one based on Qui Gon Ginn's lightsaber hilt and Obi Wan Kenobi's lightsaber hilt.
Made from two ravoc brand penlights , a cell phone, and a wrist watch along with laser projectors from laser tag guns from a laser tag game rink. The shape of all of that is similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn’s lightsaber handles. It's the length and width of the Master's first Tissue Compression Eliminator. The color of the laser that fires out is electric blue.
The Laser Pointer is made from six flash drives, four Energizer brand pen lights, two ravoc brand pen lights, a Google pixel watch, and four guard brand pen lights. The colors are: black, rose gold, sky blue, beige, silver, and purple copper. It has a small hole on top that fires out a white laser beam blast that can do a lot of harm. The Laser Pointer is eight inches in length and two inches in width.
The Laser Pointer is made from an Energizer pen light, an I-phone stylus pen, a small calculator circuit, analysis tech, and a Ravoc pen light. The colors of the Laser pointer are: silver, black, blue, and bronze. It has a laser firing hole on the top and fires out a gray laser to do any number of things. It's six inches in length and half an inch in width.
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